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Compare File Size Ratio Live

Compare File Size Ratio Live (v1.0.0)

Compare either the estimated final size or current output size to the input size and give an error if estimated final size or current size surpasses the threshold %.

Works with 'FfmpegCommand', 'HandBrake Custom Arguments', 'Run Classic Transcode' and other flow plugins that output a file.

Can be placed anywhere before a plugin which outputs a new file.

You can check if this plugin caused an error by using 'Check Flow Variable' and checking if {{{args.variables.liveSizeCompare.error}}} is true. ',

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Name: Enabled 

Type: boolean


Enable or disable this plugin. For example you may want to enable it for one transcoding block and then
disable it for another block.

Name: Compare Method 

Type: string


Specify the method to compare.
Estimated Final Size: Compare the estimated final output size to the input size.
Current Size: Compare the current output size to the input size.

Name: Threshold Size % 

Type: number


Enter the threshold size percentage relative to the input size.
An error will be triggered if the estimated or current size exceeds this percentage.

For example, if the input size is 100MB and the threshold is 60%, the estimated final size or current size
must not surpass 60MB else an error will be given and processing will stop.

Name: Check Delay (seconds) 

Type: number


Specify the delay in seconds before beginning the comparison.
A larger delay gives more time for the estimated final size to stabilize.


1: Continue to next plugin